Almost Half of 70,000 UG Seats in DU Filled in First Round

Around 3,53,918 students have registered for only 70,000 UG seats in Delhi University this year. 

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Hindi Female

Despite high cut-offs announced by colleges affiliated to the University of Delhi, around 34,000 students have already taken admission to undergraduate courses across constituent colleges, which together have about 70,000 seats in the offing this year, officials at the central university told The Quint.

“According to information received so far, around 34,000 students have made payment after taking admissions while around 7,000 more applications have been approved by college principals, but fees for those have not been paid yet.”
Delhi University Official

This means that nearly half of all 70,000 seats for undergraduate courses in Delhi have already been filled. Such a high response rate, said the principal of a top DU college, would mean that cut-offs in the second list could only see marginal decreases.

Pol Science, Geography Admission Closes for General Category at Miranda House

Meanwhile, at Miranda House, where around 542 applicants have confirmed admissions, admissions for general category students in Political Science and Geography have closed.

While the first cut-off for Political Science at Miranda House had closed at 99 percent, for Geography, it was 98.50 percent.

This means that there would be no second list for these two subjects for the general category. According to college sources, in the remaining subjects, only around 30 percent seats are left in the general category, suggesting that the second cut-off for them as well would only see a marginal drop.

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