Google Doodle Marks 'Accordion' Musical Instrument: Know History & Significance

Google Doodle today celebrates Accordion - a German musical instrument to mark its patent anniversary.

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Hindi Female

Google Doodle Accordion: Google Doodle today on Thursday, 23 May 2024 is celebrating 'Accordion' - a German musical instrument and a folk musician's main squeeze. This free-reed instrument was patented on 23 May 1829, and has made a great impact on different genres of music, including classical, folk, jazz, pop, and more. The term 'accordion' has been derived from a German word 'Akkord' which means chord.

According to Google, "This animated Doodle celebrates the accordion, a folk musician’s main squeeze. The instrument creates sound as bellows expand and contract. It is a free-reed instrument, meaning airflow vibrates reeds inside the accordion to create sound. A variety of free-reed instruments with bellows were created in the early 1800s, such as the concertina, bandoneon, and harmonium."


History of Accordion Musical Instrument

The popularity of the accordion among European folk musicians in late 1800s encouraged accordion makers in Germany to increase their production. The traditional accordions had buttons on only single side, and these buttons had a function to produce the sound of a whole chord. Another impressive feature of such accordions were that each single button could be used to to generate two chords - one when the bellows were extending and another when they were contracting.

With the global migration of Europeans, the use of accordion as a musical instrument grew significantly. Currently, musicians can be seen using both accordions with button as well as piano-style keyboard to create modern version of music. Sometimes the musicians integrate electronic components of accordion to generate artificial sounds or connect them to an amplifier.


Significance of Accordion in Modern World

Even after 200 years later, Accordion is a major part of German celebrations and music festivals across the globe. This amazing melody maker can be heard in different music forms like cajun music, folk music, the Latino polka, the tango, and many more. Oktoberfest is one main festival where Accordion music is an integral part. This vibrant celebration features music, funfair games and traditional clothing like dirndls and lederhosen.


Theme of Google Doodle Today

Today's Google Doodle theme is depicting an Accordion with both buttons and keyboard. The logo of Google can be found incorporated into the bellows of an accordion, which was portrayed as being played while performers dancing to the music in traditional German clothes.

Google Doodles are interesting, meaningful and temporary modifications of Google's Logo. The reason behind such creativity is to commemorate special events, important holidays, and influential people who have left a significant impression in the world.

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