Actor Shreya Dhanwanthary plays the role of journalist Sucheta Dalal in filmmaker Hansal Mehta's new series Scam 1992, based on the Harshad Mehta scam. Here's the actor talking about how she prepared for her role, her opinion on the kind of journalism we see on Indian television news channels today and some of her favourite shows online right now.
Set in 1980’s and 90’s Bombay, Scam 1992 follows the life of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker who single-handedly took the stock market to dizzying heights and his catastrophic downfall. The 10-episode is based on journalist Debashis Basu & Sucheta Dalal’s book The Scam and is currently streaming on Sony LIV. Watch our complete video chat with Shreya for more.
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