Actor Paresh Rawal's son Aditya Rawal recently made his film debut with Bamfaad. He will also star in Hansal Mehta's upcoming thriller, which is the debut film for Shashi Kapoor's grandson Zahan Kapoor.
In a recent interview, Paresh Rawal revealed why he didn't launch his son. "I did not launch him as my son because I don’t have that kind of money. To launch my son, you require a big machinery,” he said.
However, he admitted that Aditya 'doesn't need his father's recommendation'. "But isn’t this good? Through his own effort, he got noticed. People loved his work in Bamfaad. And now, he is working with Hansal Mehta. I mean, he is working with a director like him. So, his work is fetching him work. He doesn’t need his father’s recommendation," he told Indian Express.
Paresh Rawal also talked about Aditya's training for the film industry. "Before my son became an actor, he was a writer," he revealed. Aditya Rawal is credited as a writer on Ashutosh Gowariker's Panipat.
“He went to NYU to study script writing and play writing. In regards to acting, he trained in London International School of Performing Arts, London for 6-8 months," the Hera Pheri actor added.
“I know with how much discipline, focus and dedication he works. So, I didn’t give any sort of lessons to him. Also, I think with this generation, we should let them find their own way. We don’t need to guide them. They are smart and honest . This generation doesn’t require your advice. So, give them a direction only when they ask. All they need is your support."Paresh Rawal, Actor
With respect to films, Paresh Rawal features in Toofaan starring Farhan Akhtar, which released today (16 July), and is also a part of Hungama 2. Toofaan is streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Hungama 2 is scheduled to release on 23 July on Disney+ Hotstar.