Actor Mahira Khan was recently heckled as she attended a literary event at Pakistan's Quetta. While Mahira was speaking on stage, a person threw some objects at her. She calmly handled the situation there, and later took to social media to call out audience misbehaviour. Mahira expressed her disappointment and stressed the need to behave in public events. At the event, Mahira even declined people's request to say a dialogue from one of her films because of the incident.
Mahira addressed the issue on her social media post where she said, "What happened at the event was uncalled for. No one should think it's ok to throw something on stage, even if it's a flower wrapped up in a paper plane. It sets the wrong precedent. It is unacceptable. there are times when I get scared, not just for myself, but for others who may be trapped in a mob like situation."
The actor acknowledged that the culprit was one among the 10,000 people who attended the event. Mahira further wrote that she could have left immediately, but stressed that instead of avoiding such situations, it is important to address these issues. The crowd didn't know how to act because they were not used to such events, she wrote. "What I do feel strongly about is this - we NEED more events such as these in More cities of Pakistan. The more you are exposed the more you are aware and educated. Normalize it. And see what happens. People, cities, our culture, our understanding of each other ( which lacks), unity ( which lacks even more).. it will all flourish!," Mahira wrote.
She concluded her post by appreciating the amazing people she met at the event and shared good memories with her fans. She thanked Quetta for showering her love and promised to return soon. "I met the most amazing people. We sat together under the beautiful Quetta sky, ate delicious food.. while we shared stories, laughed and made plans for my next visit. I come back enriched."