As per reports and pictures shared by fan pages, 25-year-old Akash Ambani, the older of the two sons of billionaire Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani, got engaged with Shloka Mehta, the daughter of diamantaire Russell Mehta. There has been no official statement from the families but the ceremony reportedly took place in Goa.
Russel Mehta, is the manager of the Indian arm of one of the world's largest diamond trading companies - Rosy Blue, a Belgian diamond company headquartered in Antwerp.
Akash and Shloka are alumni of the renowned Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS) and slated to marry later, this year, as per a report in The Indian Express.
Apart from being the Director with with Rosy Blue Foundation, Shloka is a co-founder of ConnectFor, an organisation that helps NGOs get volunteers for various causes. Akash is on the board of Reliance Jio.
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