Founded by Shah Rukh Khan, Red Chillies Entertainment’s latest release, Kamyaab, had received a lot of appreciation from critics. Now, according to a report by Mumbai Mirror, SRK has zeroed in on his next film as a producer.
The movie will reportedly be based on the Muzaffarpur shelter home mass abuse case of 2018. It will be helmed by Pulkit, who has previously directed a show on Subhas Chandra Bose and the 2017 film Maroon.
A source told the publication that Pulkit had started working on the script soon after the case came to light. “The director has done a lot of research about the case and the film is supposed to go on floors in July. The cast will be finalised soon.”
The Muzaffarpur case saw the light of day after Mumbai’s Tata Institute of Social Sciences conducted a social audit of shelters across Bihar. Their report highlighted sexual abuse of girls at a Muzaffarpur short-stay home by the NGO ‘Seva Sankalp Evam Vikas Samiti’. This led to an FIR being registered against the NGO in May, 2018 and the girls were rescued and shifted to Madhubani, Patna and Mokama.
Some time back, RCE Chief Operating Officer Gaurav Verma told The Quint that the production house has been focusing on telling stories and taking them to consumers in every possible form, be it theatrical or digital. “So you will see a Bard of Blood, you will see Betaal, which is coming up now shortly, then you have Class of ‘83, again a digital film. We also have Bob Biswas, which is coming up and a couple of more announcements are due,” he declared, giving us a peek at the company’s slate.
(Inputs: Mumbai Mirror)