Mumtaz was one of the early rule-breakers in Bollywood. She began her career as a child actress in Sone Ki Chidiya (1958) and continued to do bit parts till she landed lead roles in action films, mostly opposite the formidable Dara Singh. Labelled as a “stunt film heroine”, she broke the mould all over again by acing Do Raaste (1969) with Rajesh Khanna, with whom she went on to act in 10 films. She also won the Filmfare Best Film Actress award for Khilona in 1970.
Mumtaz also scored with her uninhibited dancing skills. On her birthday, we pay tribute to her with some numbers which live on in our memory for as much their melodies as Mumtaz’s moves.
Bindiya Chamkegi, Do Raaste
Jai Jai Shiv Shankar, Aap Ki Kasam
Le Jayenge Le Jayenge, Chor Machaye Shor
Aaj Kal Tere Mere, Brahmachari
Motiyon Ki Ladi Hu Main, Loafer
Sun Champa Sun Tara, Apna Desh
(This story is from The Quint’s archives. It is being republished to mark Mumtaz’s birth anniversary.)
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