Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his speech at the NDA meeting on Saturday, 25 May, quoted Mahatma Gandhi and reminded the new MP-elects, including Pragya Thakur, to follow his teachings.
He said, “Always think about Gandhi ji's talisman – whether what you are doing will help the last person in line.”
He added, “Always believe in the teachings of Gandhi ji, Deen Dayal Upadhyay, Ram Manohar Lohia and Baba Saheb Ambedkar.”
In an interview on 17 May, Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed BJP’s Bhopal MP-elect Pragya Thakur for her remark hailing Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse as a “deshbhakt”, stating that he would never forgive her.
“She has apologised. That is a different thing. But in my heart, I cannot forgive her,” said the prime minister.
Thakur had whipped a political storm by stating that Godse “was, is and will always be a patriot.” While Thakur apologised for her remarks, it was only after the BJP demanded it.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, was unanimously elected leader of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance on Saturday at a meeting attended by its newly elected MPs and senior leaders in Parliament's Central Hall.
Modi will now call on President Ram Nath Kovind to stake his claim to form the government, following which he will be sworn in as the next prime minister, likely next week.