A group of hackers on Monday, 19 March, claimed to have hacked into the Rajya Sabha website that only members and administrators have access to, Scroll reported on 20 March. The group calls itself Lulzsec India and claimed it gained access to BJP President Amit Shah's account on the website by posting screenshots of it on Twitter.
The Twitter post by the group shows that the hackers had access to everything that is available on the Rajya Sabha website – from official email, text messages sent by the public on official phone number, bills, allowances, to even money transfers to official bank accounts.
The website is secured by a member's login ID and password, which the group claims to have bypassed.
The hackers uploaded two screenshots from Amit Shah's profile — one being his portal and the other being a request for updating his address.
The hacker group also called for a deep analysis in Indian cyber security policies in their Tweet.
Wow, what pathetic security! Where we stand as one of the global power, still lack behind in cyber security. Rajay Sabha E-Governing portal pawned... very low level security. Time to make a deep analysis in Indian cyber security policies.Lulzsec India, Hacker Group, in their tweet
The group earlier came into news in August 2017, when it claimed to have hacked 30 Pakistani government websites.
(With inputs from Scroll.in)
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