In a horrific incident, a 35-year-old Pitampura resident had a narrow escape after he was allegedly driven on the car roof for around 6 kilometres near Sahibabad in a reported road rage case on Thursday evening, 8 November, Hindustan Times reported.
Rajesh Diwan, the victim had tried to stop the accused’s car after it banged into his car, the report added.
The victim who works as a purchase manager in a Gurugram export house, hung on the roof of Zen Estillo, clinging on to the windowpanes while being captured by onlookers, the daily reported.
Bhuwan Kumar Sharma (30), the accused who works as a legal practitioner has been arrested, the police told HT.
Diwan had reportedly come to Ghaziabad to meet a friend and was waiting at a traffic signal in Sahibabad when he hit the car. Recalling the frightful experience, Diwan said the scuffle turned ugly when he stood in front of Sharma’s car and asked him to stop but ended up banging his knees repeatedly on the windscreen.
The accused arrived in his car and banged my Swift Dzire from the rear. The accused started to reverse and flee. When I came out of the car and tried to stop him, he abused me and fled. I then decided to give chase, and soon, near Raj Nagar Extension, I overtook his car.Rajesh Diwan, the victim to Hindustan Times
HT reported that the onlookers pulled Sharma out of the car and beat him up him before handing him over to the police.
Dinesh Yadav, station house officer, Sahibabad police station, said the accused was nabbed near the Meerut crossing area where the car got stuck in traffic, reported HT.
The accused has been booked under IPC sections for attempt to murder, rash driving on public way, causing damage and causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others.Dinesh Yadav to HT
(With inputs from Hindustan Times)