Navratri, the nine-day auspicious festival is here. Along with religious reasons, fasting has several health benefits too. Here are 10 tips that you should follow to fast in a healthy way.
Fast, Don't Starve
It is important to draw the line between fasting and starving. Starving leads to weakness, lethargy and headaches while fasting leads to a healthier and cleaner system. Eat fruits, vegetables and nuts on regular intervals while you fast to maintain your energy level.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is key when you are fasting. Your body requires Minerals and Vitamin A, B and C to keep you fit and energised. Ensure that you drink water and fruit juices. Add coconut water, yoghurt, lassi, cinnamon tea, and lemonade to your list too.
Avoid Fried Food
Eating too many fried snacks which are high in salt content negates the purpose of fasting. Ditch fried poori, pakoras, chiwda in your diet to Roti, idli and dosas, made up of different flours. It does not cause any discomfort that one feels after having snacks fried in oil.
Switch from Potato to Healthier Options
Potatoes seem unavoidable when fasting. But there are alternatives which can help you avoid potatoes. Use peanuts, sabut dana, paneer, millets, vegetable alternatives like bottlegourd, pumpkin in your diet. It not only makes your diet healthier but can be tasty as well.
Use Variety of Flours
Dietitian Lavleen Kaur suggests switching to healthier flours when on a fast. Rajgira atta, singhada atta are light and low in calories and thus a better option in comparison to commonly used kuttu (buckwheat) atta. Substitute samak chawal instead of using regular rice.
Consume Food Rich in Fiber
Including fiber rich food helps you stay full throughout the day. Adding more veggies and fruits like tomatoes, bottle gourd, pumpkin, taro roots (arbi), raw bananas, papaya, and apples help you with digestion and maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
Mind Your Portion Size
Keeping a balanced portion size during fasting is vital. Avoid eating too much, too soon. Eating small portions of food at frequent intervals throughout the day to help you feel less hungry and more energised.
Cut Down on Refined Sugar Intake
It is the right time to take a break from sugary confections. Using low calorie alternatives like jaggery, honey, is healthier than refined sugar which doesn’t carry any nutritional value and leads to health problems in the long run.
Choose Lighter Workout
It is okay to skip a high intensity workout at the gym and shift to a walk, Yoga and meditation routine during the 9-day fast. Your body will be mindful to save more energy and keep you active. It is important to be aware of your energy levels and choose the workout regime accordingly without putting your health at risk.
Rest Well
Say bye to your hustling days, if you are fasting. It is crucial to follow a good sleep routine of 7-8 hours before you begin a new day. Taking proper rest will ensure you don’t end up feeling dizzy, lethargic and weak. It is better to have a proper sleep schedule than feeling groggy and unwell throughout the day.
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