Actor Aditya Pancholi has been sentenced to one-year in prison after being convicted by the Andheri Metropolitan court in the 2005 assault case. He is also liable to pay Rs. 20,000 for assaulting his neighbour.
According to a report in India Today, the complainant had claimed to have sustained several fractures and a bleeding nose when Pancholi had assaulted him “unprovoked”.
Pancholi, in his statement had said,
One day, a friend of mine had come to visit me. He found the parking spot empty and parked his car there. The tenant came and parked his car right in front of my friend’s car, blocking its way.Aditya Pancholi
The actor has been given one month to appeal in a higher court.
According to the report in India Today, Pancholi's lawyers have termed the sentence very harsh and plan to appeal for bail.
It is very harsh sentence. It’s not like I was found involved in a terrorist activity or some bomb blast. I definitely will appeal against this order. After being granted bail, Pancholi paid the bail amount of Rs 12,000 and tried to see to it that he could leave the court immediately.Aditya Pancholi’s lawyer
Source: India Today
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