QWorld: Warplanes Target Aleppo Hospitals; Sanders Backs Clinton

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The Quint
In a 2012 file photo, smoke rises over Saif Al Dawla district, in Aleppo, Syria. (Photo: AP)

In a 2012 file photo, smoke rises over Saif Al Dawla district, in Aleppo, Syria. (Photo: AP)

1. Warplanes Knock Out Aleppo Hospitals as Russian-Backed Assault Intensifies

Russian or Syrian warplanes knocked two hospitals out of service in the besieged rebel sector of Aleppo and ground forces intensified an assault in a battle which the United Nations says has made the city worse than a slaughterhouse.

2. Clinton Enlists Former Foe Sanders in Appeal for Youth Votes in US Presidential Race

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton shared a stage with former rival senator Bernie Sanders to appeal for youth votes in the 8 November election as opinion polls show a close race with Republican Donald Trump.

3. Malaysian Flight MH17 Downed by Russian-Made Missile: Prosecutors

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by a missile fired from a launcher brought into Ukraine from Russia and located in a village held by pro-Russian rebels, international prosecutors said.

4. Japan's Abe Seeks Breakthrough with Russia on Long-Disputed Islands

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is betting that close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia's economic woes and regional concerns about China's rise will help him make progress in a decades-old row over long-disputed islands when the two leaders meet in December.

5. Duterte Declares Upcoming Philippines-US War Games 'the Last One'

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte plunged one of the United States' most important Asian alliances deeper into uncertainty by declaring upcoming US-Philippines military exercises "the last", and ruled out any joint navy patrols.


6. Teen Kills Father, Opens Fire in South Carolina Schoolyard

A 14-year-old South Carolina boy shot and killed his father and then drove to an elementary school where he opened fire with a handgun, wounding two children and a teacher. He was tackled by a firefighter who held him till police arrived, authorities said.

7. US Says Probing More China Firms for North Korea Sanctions Breaches

The United States is investigating a number of Chinese companies for suspected breach of sanctions against North Korea, and Chinese banks and firms should understand that dealing with North Korea is "risky", a senior US official said.

8. Protesters Seek Federal Probe in Police Shooting of Black Man

Protesters yelled "murder" and demanded a federal investigation into the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man in southern California, just as racially charged anger over two similar incidents during the past two weeks had begun to subside.

9. Congress Rejects Obama Veto, Saudi 11 September Bill Becomes Law

Congress overwhelmingly rejected President Obama's veto of a legislation allowing relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, the first veto override of his presidency just four months before it ends.

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